The Climate and the Environment - WYP2

Our #SustainableWays report has now launched.

Find out about our work and the report using the links below

Report Published: Sustainable Ways

We heard from 1,300 young people about sustainable transport.

Committee progress

The long-awaited return to face to face Welsh Youth Parliament meetings happened on Saturday, 2 July 2022 for the first time since the Panedmic!

The seriousness of the situation as regards Climate Change has been a focus for this Committee; they are keen to track the Government's targets for zero carbon emissions and tree planting to determine if they are being pursued, and to chat with the Environment Minister, Government officials and companies about their vital role. What about Climate Change refugees? Peat bags? Free public transport for young people? The ideas were flowing and the Committee had a strong sense of need for action.

Climate and Environment Committee Meeting -WYP residential Weekend and follow up meeting

The WYP Climate and Environment Committee met on the afternoon of the 26th of November to listen to and query Climate Change experts on the best way that the Committee could progress their work. Guests included:
1) Wales Environment Link
2) Jane Davidson, Wales Net Zero 2035 and
3) Dr. Anna Pigott (Human Geographer at Swansea University)
The information and inspiration was vast and the experts were encouraging and visionary in their approach which we would like to thank them very much for.
Following a follow-up meeting and having had time to process all the information shared - we voted for our topic to choose to take forward. The choices were:
1) Biodiversity
2) Public Transport
3) Educational environmental schemes

The vote was in favour on focusing on public transport with Education Environmental schemes as a sub theme. Keep an eye out for our consultation coming out around mid-February of this year.

Committee Members