
It starts with you

Talking about the things you want and need, raising the issues that matter to you.

Using the Welsh Youth Parliament as the platform to amplify your voice. For your future.


60 young people aged 11 - 17 are your Welsh Youth Parliament Members.

You elected 40 of them by voting in our election. The remaining 20 were elected by young people from partner organisations.

Putting our parliament together this way made sure we have representation from diverse groups of young people.


The issues that the Welsh Youth Parliament will raise awareness of will be chosen by you.

Backed by the young people you chose to be your Welsh Youth Parliament Members.

Your Welsh Youth Parliament Members will highlight and debate your issues at a national level.

Gathering views from other young people across the country and working with those with the power to make change.

How we'll work

Every two-year session of the Welsh Youth Parliament will:

Empower Wales' young people to identify, raise awareness of and debate the important issues to you.

Listen to young people in Wales, represent your views, and act on the issues that are important to you.

Work with young people in Wales, share what we're doing with the issues you've raised.

Working with the Welsh Parliament

We work directly with Senedd to make your voice heard, by those with the power to make change.