People of the Welsh Youth Parliament

Ffion-Hâf Davies

Ffion-Hâf Davies


Ffion-Hâf was a Member of the first Welsh Youth Parliament from 2018 to 2021.

Welsh Youth Parliament Activities

are being heard and that the plastic problem is being taken seriously. Our only hope now is that you will all continue to address this problem and keep our work alive. Thank you.

Plenary | 24/02/2021

Thank you, Llywydd. In February 2019, we as a Youth Parliament chose littering and plastic waste as one of our priority issues. As Members, we have been having conversations within our co...

Plenary | 24/02/2021

More information and calendar events

Detailed information: Ffion-Hâf Davies


Ffion-Hâf  was a Member of the first Welsh Youth Parliament from 2018 to 2021.

The following was her candidate statement for election to the first Welsh Youth Parliament:

My Key Issues are:

  • Body Shaming
  • Women’s Rights
  • LGBTQ+ Rights

My name is Ffion-Hâf and I’m fifteen. I’m a Disney nerd, Hufflepuff, feminist and ‘curvy’ girl with a lot of opinions and drive for equality. I have been on school councils a couple of times and am an active member of the anti-racism and islamaphobia committee, feminism committee and LGBTQ+ rights committee. In all of these roles I have been authoritative, shared my opinions, thought of solutions and helped make a difference. I am also confident by nature and work well in a group therefore I will be a great addition to the Parliament.

Despite all of this, above all I am normal. I’m not going to sell myself as super human as I’m not, or the best as there’s always someone better but I am normal and I am like you. Like you there are problems and inequalities that I face everyday and like you I wish there was something we could do about it. But you know what? There is. If you vote for me I promise I will do everything to fight your corner and represent your opinion. I will not sit in a corner and be silenced. I will be heard and so will you.

Terms of office

  1. 05/12/2018 - 05/03/2021

Calendar events: Ffion-Hâf Davies