Todd was a Member of the first Welsh Youth Parliament from 2018 to 2021.
People of the Welsh Youth Parliament
Todd Murray
Welsh Youth Parliament Activities
From our colleagues in the life skills in the curriculum committee, there's a lot we can learn, especially with them, like you said, being the first committee to take anything forward. We...
Children, Young People and Education Committee | 20/11/2019
Yes. So, our next steps—one of the bigger steps we want to take is raising awareness amongst other young people. That's one of our biggest priorities moving forward. Our issue, I think, i...
Children, Young People and Education Committee | 20/11/2019
Yes. As part of the team that presented a summary of our work so far in the Siambr to our fellow Youth Parliament Members—that was on Friday, 25 October—during the October half-term at ou...
Children, Young People and Education Committee | 20/11/2019