"The topics that you're discussing aren't politics - it's everyday life"

Published 22/05/2017   |   Last Updated 05/05/2021   |   Reading Time minutes

Watch Jack talk about what he wants from a youth parliament in Wales.


At the end of the day, Welsh young people are our future and this is where change can happen.

This is a really exciting opportunity for Welsh young people to get involved in Welsh politics.

It's not the usual party political stuff but it's actually getting involved and making changes on things that really affect young people.

The topics that you're discussing aren't politics - it's everyday life; the environment, your schools your health services...everything that matters.

Because it's not just about what's major at that time, but actually what's important to them and what's important to their life.

I think it's really exciting opportunity and it's really good that the National Assembly for Wales are listening to young people and getting involved in their work directly.

You might not think it will change anything, so I think that's a major hurdle which the Welsh youth parliament's going to challenge to begin with.

And actually I think what's as important as well is trying to get Assembly members engaged in its work.

Once they're involved as well as you can start making and discussing real issues which affect young people and create change.

I believe it's really exciting, going to be a lot of fun and I think everyone should get involved.