How many people does it take to build a youth parliament that represents all young people in Wales?

A lot.
Thousands of you have given us your comments, suggestions and thoughts as to what your youth parliament should look like.
Thank you.
This is the beginning of the journey. After listening to you and promising to establish a youth parliament that represents each and every one of you, it was important to ask you what you wanted.
We have been overwhelmed with the response that you’ve given us. To all of those we met out and about, who filled in the consultation forms in person and online, we’re very grateful for your input to help make your youth parliament happen.
You’ve told us:
How you want your youth parliament to represent you
What the youth parliament should be called and what its membership should be
How you want your youth parliament to work
What values the youth parliament should hold.
We’re now confident that we have a wide range of views and opinions to build the youth parliament that will make Wales a better place for you, for your future.
We’ll keep in touch.
Elin Jones AC/AM
Llywydd, National Assembly for Wales