People of the Welsh Youth Parliament

Ned Dong

Ned Dong

Cardiff West

My key issues are:

  • Empowering youth voice
  • Welsh language
  • Neurodiversity teaching school

Welsh Youth Parliament Activities

More information and calendar events

Detailed information: Ned Dong


Candidate Statement: Cardiff West young people feel they are not listened to, and they are right.Cardiff West young people feel they are not listened to, and they are right.

We have great ideas. Somehow they don’t get heard. So we feel overlooked by school, college, parents and others. I will make it my mission to be the voice of young people in our area by

-listening to the issues

-reaching out to give a voice to those affected

-acting with your voices at the forefront for positive change.

As a member of forums like Cardiff Youth Council, I have experience voicing issues affecting young people to leaders and policy makers to make a difference.

Being neurodiverse I know how it feels to be overlooked, being dismissed as dull or just plain stupid.

Being a fluent Welsh speaker also enables my strong community engagement.

This will all help me reach marginalized communities and give them a voice in power.

My campaigns will engage you in decisions affecting our future.

Voting for me will give you a platform to voice opinions so they are acted on, not pushed away.


Terms of office

  1. 12/10/2024 -

Calendar events: Ned Dong