People of the Welsh Youth Parliament

Katie June Whitlow

Katie June Whitlow

Partner elected Member

Learning Disability Wales

Katie was a Member of the first Welsh Youth Parliament from 2018 to 2021.

Welsh Youth Parliament Activities

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Detailed information: Katie June Whitlow


Katie was a Member of the first Welsh Youth Parliament from 2018 to 2021.

The following was his candidate statement for election to the first Welsh Youth Parliament:

My key issues are:

  • Education Services
  • The Community
  • Training

I’m Katie, I’m seventeen years old and have struggled with various health and learning difficulties throughout my life. With my illness and my additional learning needs, I used to find day to day activities hard going.

However as time passed I have learned the importance of being optimistic and adjusting/adapting to my illness. I have been praised for my ability to inform others of my disability and raise awareness for Von Willebrand disease and wish to help others raise awareness of their disabilities.

When I was younger I used to be incredibly shy, however as I’ve grown older and found my passion for books and drama I have become a very confident person. With this new found confidence I feel I have found my voice and I am excited to use my voice to represent others who have disabilities just like me.

I am always excited to hear others opinions so we can share and debate different ideas in a fun and friendly manner. I am reliable, good with people and I find it quite easy to make friends and make others feel comfortable in my presence with my chatty and sunny personality. I am passionate about making sure young people with disabilities get all the opportunities they deserve and hope I will be able to represent young people with disabilities in the best way.

Calendar events: Katie June Whitlow