People of the Welsh Youth Parliament

Georgia Miggins

Georgia Miggins

Partner elected Member

Learning Disability Wales

My key issues are:

  • Mental health
  • Autism in girls
  • Lack of leisure opportunities

Welsh Youth Parliament Activities

More information and calendar events

Detailed information: Georgia Miggins


Candidate Statement: I have disabilities and attend a disability school. My brother also has disabilities and mental health issues so I know the challenges people with disabilities face. There is a lack of representation about disabilities in books, TV and life in general. I myself have experienced not feeling represented and know others have too. I know it is important for somebody with disabilities to feel inspired and represented when they see somebody like me who has a disability in this role. I know that we need to listen more to disabled people and make our voices heard so we can reach our goals and have the same opportunities as everybody else.

I have good leadership skills and have been voted numerous times to be an eco and school council member. This helped me grow in confidence and encouraged me to speak out on issues that mattered to me and others in my school.

I am kind, compassionate and considerate so I can understand different points of view and be open-minded.

I am passionate about causes that matter to me and good at listening to others about what matters to them. I would do my best to help speak up for them. 

Terms of office

  1. 12/01/2021 -

Calendar events: Georgia Miggins