People of the Welsh Youth Parliament

Elizabeth Bartlett

Elizabeth Bartlett


My key issues are:

  • Environment- People and Planet
  • Youth Voice
  • Transport

Welsh Youth Parliament Activities

More information and calendar events

Detailed information: Elizabeth Bartlett


Candidate Statement: Why should you vote for me? I am passionate about helping with and listening to people’s issues; I want to make an impact. I am well-spoken, confident and intelligent and I care about what you have to say. As your Youth Parliament Member I would amplify your voice. What issues are you facing?

I am experienced with public speaking, debating and research. As a Young Wales volunteer I have chaired discussions and participated in a peer research project, where I have learnt to how to understand peoples opinions and explain them to a wider audience. I am also a part of many advisory groups, that focus on topics like mental health, education, democracy, LGBTQ+ issues and the environment, and frequently address government. I have good interpersonal skills, I run workshops teaching how to mend clothes and I'm carbon literate.

I care about many issues, but I am most interested in what is affecting you; I'll listen to your problems and address the Senedd accordingly!


Terms of office

  1. 12/10/2024 -

Calendar events: Elizabeth Bartlett