People of the Welsh Youth Parliament

Chloe Giles

Chloe Giles

Partner elected Member

Voices from Care Cymru

Chloe was a Member of the first Welsh Youth Parliament from 2018 to 2021.

Welsh Youth Parliament Activities

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Detailed information: Chloe Giles


Chloe was a Member of the first Welsh Youth Parliament from 2018 to 2021.

The following was her candidate statement for election to the first Welsh Youth Parliament:

My name is Chloe, I am from Torfaen. I am a care experienced young person.

I have applied to become a member of the youth parliament because I feel it’s important that young people in Wales are listened to and get to have a say on important things.

I also would enjoy meeting new people and working together with them . I think I have some good experience and skills too (please see below).

I am in care, so that gives me a good understanding of what it’s like and to make sure that the youth parliament work on things about care to make it better in Wales.

I am also a member of Torfaen Youth Forum, so I am used to working with other young people on issues, and be able to take part in discussions & talks about things and events.

I would work hard to be at all the events and take it seriously. I am also a Welsh speaker, which I think is important

Thank you for considering my application

Calendar events: Chloe Giles