Candidate Statement: As a baby whose prognosis was not good,
I was adopted and am so proud of what I have achieved living with autism and
learning disabilities. I live in a fostering household helping look after
children that come to live with us. I see how hard it can be and the challenges
that children in care face. I have built many skills through achieving my Gold
Duke of Edinburgh Award. For my volunteering I worked at a local theatre where
I learned to work as part of a team and organise events. This taught me about
responsibility and how to communicate with different people. I am a DofE Wales
Youth Ambassador and have been a peer mentor at my school. I would like to see
young people who have physical or learning disabilities be more included and
have the same opportunities as their peers. I want to be part of the Welsh
Youth Parliament because I care about young people no matter what their
beginnings or disabilities and I want to represent them to make changes for the