Candidate Statement: I would like to be a Welsh youth
parliament member because I feel I would do an effective job of representing
those around me, who have experienced similar circumstances as I have. I feel I
can do this as I have been going to Roots Foundation Wales for a large period
of time. During that time I have made strong, reliable relationships with
others my age and with staff, who have all been through / are in the care
system as I am. I am confident that I can listen and take on board what those
around me have to say and would do my best to work towards making improvements
wherever possible. I think you should vote for me as I have excellent
communication skills, I listen to and take into consideration others ideas and
opinions and feel confident enough to present my ideas to others. Throughout
school, I have taken part in enterprise projects, I am form representative, and
outside of school I have gained confidence through working in a cafe, these
have enabled me to gain confidence with socialising with people. I would
dedicate and prioritise my time to this role and give the best I can.