People of the Welsh Youth Parliament

Manon Clarke

Manon Clarke

Cardiff West

Manon was a Member of the first Welsh Youth Parliament from 2018 to 2021.

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Detailed information: Manon Clarke


Manon was a Member of the first Welsh Youth Parliament from 2018 to 2021.

The following was her candidate statement for election to the first Welsh Youth Parliament:

My Key Issues are:

  • Litter in public places
  • Period poverty
  • Adolescent mental health

I want to be a member of the Welsh Youth Parliament because it would be an honour to represent the youth of Cardiff West and their concerns. It's an incredible opportunity to meet others with the same drive as I have to improve communities across Wales.

I would consult with young people by leading a monthly assembly for all years in my school in which pupils could vote on what they thought was most pressing. This will ensure that each of my peers has the opportunity to say what's on their mind. I'm a member of the school council and I'm also the deputy lead of an anti-homophobia, biphobia and transphobia group in school. We have worked with many schools across Wales in improving awareness about the LGBT+ community. I also take part in the gender equality group at school. I'm a confident public speaker, and I'm also a good listener. I'm bilingual (English and Welsh) and I'm also learning French, Spanish and Mandarin.

I would be a good member of the Welsh Youth Parliament because I think the opinion of someone aged 11 to 18 is just as important as any other member of society. Thank you.

Terms of office

  1. 12/05/2018 - 03/05/2021

Calendar events: Manon Clarke