Candidate Statement: My name is
Lewis, after Lewis Hamilton, I chose my own name because I’m a Trans man. I
chose to name myself after Lewis Hamilton because he’s my real dad's favourite
and I wanted a name important to him.
I realised I was part of the of
the LGBTQIA+ community when I was 8 years old, but I didn't know the word for
it, not until I was 11 years old and I officially came out as Pansexual, and
when I was 11 I also realised I was Trans but I didn't come out officially,
along with changing my name until I was 13 years old two months before I turned
Coming out was extremely
difficult because I was the only one in school, town, and in my family.
I joined GISDA when I just
turned 14, it was the 1st of September 2022. Meaning I started GISDA not long
after coming out as Trans and I was very nervous about that. GISDA was the
first place where people only knew me as “Lewis who's a boy”
I heard about GISDA because I
saw them in Criccieth Pride and a couple weeks later I came up with my sister,
walked in, and never left. I've been going for the past two years, and I
wouldn't be who I am without GISDA.
Staff helped me stand up to
Transphobic teachers. Friends there let me rant about whatever I was thinking
or worrying about.
I will admit that I am
extremely proud of being pan but I'm not proud of being Trans, because of how I
was raised. But that's why my main issues are around Trans people, I want to be
prouder of myself and I want other people, not just Trans, just anyone who's
not as proud as me too to feel the pride beaming out of themselves.