People of the Welsh Youth Parliament



Partner elected Member

Tros Gynnal Plant Cymru

This Member was a Member of the first Welsh Youth Parliament from 2018 to 2021.

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Detailed information: Member


This Member was a Member of the first Welsh Youth Parliament from 2018 to 2021.

The following was their candidate statement for election to the second Welsh Youth Parliament:

My key issues are:

  • Careers advice including skills training to help access work and work experience
  • Equal access to Higher education and apprenticeships for young people like asylum seekers.
  • Promote equality and diversity and understanding of barriers faced by young people in Wales.

I attend College where I am studying Health and Social Care. I came to Wales with my family 2 years ago as a Refugee.

Born in Syria I moved to Iraq before coming to the UK. Kurdish is my first language and I speak Arabic too. I started learning English at Ysgol Y Grango school where I sat GCSE exams last year. Education is important and I hope to have a career in medicine maybe as a midwife.

I love listening to music and enjoy drawing, painting and making things. As well as spending time with my friends I like attending the TGP Cymru Participation Forum where I am learning how government works in Wales.

I will learn more as a member of the Welsh Youth Parliament and will take the opportunity to raise awareness of what life is like for a young asylum seeker or refugee and to voice the views of other young people.

Calendar events: Member