People of the Welsh Youth Parliament

Carys Thomas

Carys Thomas

Partner elected Member

National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS)

Carys was a Member of the first Welsh Youth Parliament from 2018 to 2021.

Welsh Youth Parliament Activities

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Detailed information: Carys Thomas


Carys was a Member of the first Welsh Youth Parliament from 2018 to 2021.

The following was his candidate statement for election to the first Welsh Youth Parliament:

My name is Carys Thomas, I am 15 years old and live in Cardiff.

I am thrilled to have been selected by young people from the National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS) to be a member of the Welsh Youth Parliament.

I am very excited about working with other young people on the important issues that affect young people in Wales, I am particularly passionate about ensuring young people are able to realise their rights, improve services and outcomes for care experienced young people across Wales and those experiencing emotional and mental health problems.

I am looking forward to listening to the wider views of young people and representing them within the Welsh Youth Parliament.

Terms of office

  1. 12/05/2018 -

Calendar events: Carys Thomas