Spotlight On: TGP Cymru

Published 01/10/2021   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024   |   Reading Time minutes

Here at the Welsh Youth Parliament , we’re proud to work with fantastic organisations who work with young people from all backgrounds across Wales.  During its second term, the Welsh Youth Parliament will work with 18 partner organisations, and we’ll be featuring them here on our website and our social media channels over the next few months. 

 This week, we’re getting to know TGP Cymru - a leading Wales based Children’s Rights Charity, which supports and represents vulnerable children and young people through a range of projects, training and campaigning.


 TGP Cymru

TGP Cymru is a leading independent Welsh children’s charity working with some of the most vulnerable and marginalised children, young people and families in Wales. They may be experiencing difficulties in accessing appropriate services in health, education or social care – these include children with disabilities, children with emotional health needs and children seeking asylum.

TGP Cymru's Refugee and Asylum Programme for Children and Young People is delighted to be working as a Partner Organisation with WYP again and to have the opportunity for our Project together with TGP's Travelling Ahead Project for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Young People to return 2 members, one from each of our communities of young people following elections in November.

 Hasna Ali came from Syria as a Refugee with her family & represented young people on the first ever WYP for 2 years from 2019.

 "It was an amazing experience to be a part of the Welsh Youth Parliament. Before I joined I was too shy about everything but the Welsh Youth Parliament helped me to be strong. The best thing about being a Welsh Youth Parliament Member was that I've met a lot of lovely people and it has also helped me to improve my English language. Over all I would like to thank Tros Gynnal Plant and the Welsh Youth Parliament who believed in me and also gave me that amazing opportunity."

 Yo can watch a short video of Hasna speaking about her experiences with Tros Gynnal Plantand the  Welsh Youth Parliament here:


Our All Wales Refugee and Asylum Programme offers specialist independent advocacy for young people. Taking a holistic approach we help young people understand and navigate systems and through advocacy, mentoring and participation opportunities and activities we help young people build confidence, learn new skills and feel empowered to have their voices heard, contribute to decision making and work to bring about positive change in their community. Our Wellbeing Project which came about during the early months of the pandemic in Wales helped combat loneliness and taught young people coping strategies to help them with anxiety, stress, low mood and sleep problems. After months of group get together sessions over zoom it has been brilliant to meet outside and face to face, at the Global Gardens Project in Cardiff and playing in the Park.  



We are delighted to be working as a partner organisation with @WelshYouthParl again. Our representative Hasna Ali came from Syria as a refugee with her family and was a member of the first ever Welsh Youth Parliament, for 2 years from 2019.

Our Wellbeing Project came about during the early months of the pandemic and helped young people with their mental health. After months of gathering via zoom it has been brilliant to finally meet face to face and play again, at the Global Gardens Project in Cardiff.