Partner with the Welsh Youth Parliament


The Welsh Youth Parliament is made up of 60 Members, representing a diverse group of young people from across Wales. Twenty of our Members are chosen by partner organisations – and that’s where you come in!

You can apply to become a partner organisation and elect a member who represents your organisation.

By partnering with us, you’ll be part of a joint effort to amplify young voices in Wales.

Download application template


Why partner with us?

Becoming a partner means you can be a part of the journey, while giving your nominees unparalleled opportunities to grow, lead, and make a lasting impact.


We’ll give your elected representatives a powerful platform to amplify their voice and raise awareness of the issues that matter to them.


Your elected representatives will get opportunities to engage in debates in the Senedd chamber and take part in high-profile media events.


Your elected representatives will join a supportive and inspiring community made up of young people from different backgrounds, sharing experiences that are both enriching and diverse.


We’ll encourage your elected representatives to develop essential life skills through different training opportunities and workshops, helping them gain confidence in leadership, research, and public speaking.


By becoming a partner, you ensure your elected representatives from all walks of life have their voices heard where it matters most—at the highest level of decision-making in Wales.

Ollie Mallin, Carers Trust Wales

Still not sure?

Here’s what Welsh Youth Parliament Members from previous partners organisations said about their experiences.


Welsh Youth Parliament has helped me with my communication skills, my team working skills, my listening skills which will be extremely useful for the future and now…I strongly encourage other young people to run to become a Welsh Youth Parliament member, believe me it will be worthwhile and you will benefit immensely from it.

Bowen Cole, YMCA Swansea


Being a part of Welsh Youth Parliament has been an experience that I won’t forget and has given me the opportunity to work with 60 very driven and inspirational young people to be the voice of young people here in Wales

Cerys Harts, Young Farmers Wales


I just wanted to get the word out that being deaf isn’t really a barrier.

Daniel Downton, National Deaf Children’s Society.

Keira Bailey-Hughes, GISDA

Frequently asked questions

What does the Welsh Youth Parliament do?

The Welsh Youth Parliament turns up the volume on young voices across Wales, tackling the issues that truly matter to them. We partner with like-minded organisations to make sure that the parliament represents diverse communities from across Wales.

What does being a partner involve?

By becoming a partner you will be electing and supporting young people to represent your organisation in the Welsh Youth Parliament. You will also help to promote Welsh Youth Parliament activities including, elections, consultations and events.

Check out our "Becoming a Partner Organisation" guide for further information.

Can any organisation apply?

Any organisation, of any size from any part of Wales that works with young people who face barriers to participation can apply to become a Welsh Youth Parliament partner organisation.

Check out our "Becoming a Partner Organisation" guide for further information on criteria.

What is the commitment for being a Welsh Youth Parliament Member?

Young people will be expected to participate in all official Welsh Youth Parliament activities for the two-year term, including meetings in the Senedd, regional events and online meetings. There may also be other opportunities to participate in events and sessions throughout the two-years.

For detailed information please read our "Becoming a Partner Organisation" guide.

What support will be provided?

Members receive comprehensive support. This includes guidance, training, materials for meetings, residential arrangements, transport, accessibility services, mentorship, and welfare support to ensure they thrive in their roles.

For detailed information on what’s provided check out our "Becoming a Partner Organisation" guide.

What costs or resources are covered?

We ensure that all Welsh Youth Parliament Members and partner organisation staff are fully supported during official activities. This includes covering reasonable travel, accommodation, and subsistence costs, providing training, and facilitating meetings with necessary venue arrangements and resources.

For detailed information on what’s covered, check out our "Becoming a Partner Organisation" guide.

If I become a partner, am I locked into it?

By becoming an official Welsh Youth Parliament Partner you make a commitment for the duration of the two year term, even if the young person elected to the role no longer accesses the services of your organisation.

For detailed information please read our "Becoming a Partner Organisation" guide.

How do I submit our application?

You must submit your application to become a partner through our online application form.

If you want to work on your application before submitting it, you can download our "Partnership Application Form Template".

Partner with the Welsh Youth Parliament

You’re just a few steps away from becoming a pivotal part of our youth parliament community.